Parent Info

8.00am – 5.30pm Monday – Friday

Please pick up your child no later than 5.30pm; we are open for 50 weeks a year.

The Nursery will be closed:

1st & 2nd January, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, 25th & 26th December and 3 days between Christmas and New Year.

Apple Tree Nursery caters for children aged   0 – 5 years.

Once your child has been offered a place with Apple Tree Nursery you will be invited along to meet the staff and look around the Nursery.  At this point you will also meet with the Manager/Depute to discuss hours of attendance, payment of fees, any queries you may have etc.  You will also have the chance to arrange settling in times when you visit with your child prior to him/her attending Nursery. This is especially important with younger children.

The settling in period is an important time for everyone.  Each child is an individual and will take varying lengths of time to feel secure, happy and confident in the Nursery.  A few short visits will allow staff and parents/carers the opportunity to exchange important information that will be useful in helping your child settle in.  We respect that as parents/carers you are well aware of your child’s abilities, likes, dislikes and needs.  Staff will work with you to learn as much as we can to make this transition to Nursery as easy as we can.  Parents/Carers are encouraged to stay with their child until the child is confident to be left with us.  No child will be permitted to start Nursery without the minimum of two settling in sessions.

No fees will be charged when the nursery is closed.  However, fees will be charged for all contracted hours whether or not your child attends.  No reduction for sickness or holidays will be granted.

The Keyworker is the staff member who is responsible for looking after your child while he/she is at Nursery. They are also responsible for planning activities and experiences based on your child’s needs and the criteria set out in the guidelines of the Curriculum for Excellence for children 3–18. We also take account of the Scottish Executive document “Pre-Birth to Three Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families”. You will be informed whom your child’s Keyworker is when your child starts. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns, please speak to the Keyworker.

One calendar months notice must be given in writing to terminate your child’s Nursery place.

Apple Tree Nursery is registered with the Care Inspectorate and adheres to the ratios required by the guidelines:

  • 0 – 2 years –                             1 adult to 3 children
  • 2 years – 3 years –                  1 adult to 5 children
  • 3 years – 5 years –                  1 adult to 8 children

This is obstructive to parent/carers accessing the nursery and it allows the emergency services to gain access to the Nursery. If you see someone parking in this spot, please remind Parent/Carer’s that it could be YOUR child needing the medical attention and they are blocking access. Please also for YOUR child’s safety; make sure the front door and gate are securely closed.

In the interest of safety, Apple Tree Nursery has a security system on the front door. When you arrive please make sure that the door is properly closed behind you. Escort your child into the playroom, where there is an opportunity for you to exchange any necessary information with staff, including who will be collecting your child.

Please do not allow strangers to enter the building with you. Ask them politely to wait at the door and inform a member of staff about the situation.

Children must always be brought to Nursery and collected by their parent/carer or a responsible adult.

Parents/Carers of children attending for free Early Learning in Child Care placement are asked to wait in reception until 8.45am or 12.45pm to allow staff/children ratios to be adhered to. Child care costs will be charged for all additional hours out with free Early Learning in Child Care education.

When you fill in the registration form you will notice that we ask for the names of authorised person(s) who will be collecting your child other than their parent/carer.  Please be clear on this point, as the Nursery will only release your child to a responsible adult. If someone other than the regular parent/ carer is to pick up your child, please inform the staff of the changes to avoid any confusion or difficulty.  Children cannot be allowed to leave if we are in any doubt about the arrangements.

When your child starts Nursery, you will be asked to provide us with the names, addresses and phone numbers of three (if possible) emergency contacts other than yourself.  Please check that the people you choose will be available in case of an emergency.  We would ask that you inform the Nursery of any changes to this information.

It is important that the Nursery is notified as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent. 

Our vision is to enable each child in our care to develop to his/her full potential socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually in a stimulating, secure, safe environment.

In order to ensure the safety of the children and to comply with current best practise, we would ask that you inform us of any holidays or absences as soon as possible. 

In the event that a child has not arrived at Apple Tree Nursery an hour after their normal arrival time, the child’s key worker will liaise with the manager and ring the home phone number to check that all is ok. 

In the event that there is no answer from the home telephone number, the key worker should then call the parent/carer’s mobile and/or work telephone number to receive clarification as to why the child is not at Nursery and ensure the safety of the child and Parent/Carer. 

In the event that still no contact can be made, then the key worker should notify the manager of this and then start calling the additional emergency contact persons in order of priority.  Should no contact still be made, then the manager is to make a decision on the next action.  If there are any concerns, the manager may wish to contact Social Services for further direction.

Each child is an individual and is responded to sensitively and carefully by nursery staff at all times.  Apple Tree Nursery operates a no smacking policy, which both staff and parent/carers are expected to adhere to.  At no time will your child ever be smacked, punished or isolated.  Children are encouraged to care for one another, for the equipment and their environment, to gradually learn to share and take turns.  If a child hurts someone else, they will be taken aside, talked to quietly and then encouraged to rejoin their group.  Please refer to our behaviour policy for more information.  Any consideration of a child’s exclusion from nursery will only be considered after close liaison with their key worker, relevant members of staff and the manager.  Observations of the child’s behaviour will be made and various strategies will be used to address the area of concern.  Parents will be informed of any staff concerns and parents/carers and staff will work together to address the areas of concern and how they can work together in minimising the chance of the child’s exclusion from Apple Tree.  With the agreement of the parent/carer, outside agencies will be contacted for advice if it is felt that additional support is required.

The health, safety and well-being of all our children is the prime concern of all staff.  Every child has a right to protection and the right to be safe in our care.

We respect all children and expect them to respect themselves and each other, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability.

All staff have had training from Argyll & Bute Council in Child Protection and are aware of issues relating to the protection of children and their responsibility in reporting possible cases of child abuse.

“We want to give every child and young person the best possible start in life.  Helping our children realise their potential is the key to giving them a sense of fulfilment and equipping them for the future.  But to do this children and young people need to be kept safe from harm and neglect.”

  • If any member of staff suspects that a child may be a victim of abuse they must immediately inform the Manager and Child Protection Officer (Lesley-Anne Roberts). Abuse can be of a sexual, emotional, physical nature or non-organic failure to thrive.  A description of relevant information will be recorded by the nursery
  • Any action taken will be in accordance with Apple Tree Nursery’s Child Protection Policy
  • The Manager works closely with Social Work Department, police and education authority when there are investigations regarding any allegations of abuse. At all times, investigations are handled with sensitivity and confidentiality, with the best interests of the child being paramount
  • Social Work Department can be contacted at Union Street, Rothesay Telephone 501300.

PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) requires that all staff and students are vetted by Disclosure Scotland to ensure that they are fit to work with children.

There may be times when staff, as part of their duty of care, may have to restrain a child to prevent them from harming themselves or another child (eg climbing on furniture, running from the playroom, hitting other children).  Staff will report any incidents to the Manager and parent/carers will be informed of any need for physical intervention involving their child.

Apple Tree Nursery is surrounded by a wonderful community which provides a rich environment with many different places of interest.  We are developing our partnerships within the community and promote opportunities for children to visit local shops and businesses.  In order to understand our society children need to experience these at first hand.  Within our membership form we will ask for your permission for your child to take part in all outings.

To enhance our learning experiences on our beautiful Island, we now have our very own minibus. Can you please let the office know if you would not like your child to ride on our bus.   

When outings are planned sometimes the weather does not co-operate; therefore it is important to dress the children appropriately. A jacket and a pair of boots may be needed.

Children enjoy the many “messy” activities provided during the day. We try to ensure that aprons are worn, but occasionally paint gets splattered or water gets spilled. Please be aware that your child is enjoying his/her learning experience and dress him/her appropriately and not in their “Good” clothes.

Sun Cream will be applied by nursery staff to ensure your child’s safety from the sun. 

Suitable Clothing (baby/toddler room)

Babies and toddlers should have their own supply of nappies, cream, lotions etc in their own bag. An extra set of clothes, labelled with the child’s name should be provided in case of accidents or spills.


Apple Tree Nursery promotes a healthy eating and good oral hygiene policy. We provide a variety of snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon, including a drink (milk or water) fruit, cheese, crackers, cereals, toast and a variety of spreads. The children are encouraged to make choices and to pour their own drinks. The snack may be linked to their current topic and the children may prepare their snack themselves.
A water dispenser is positioned in the main playroom, so that children have access to a drink whenever they need one.


Parents/Carers of children who stay for lunch are asked to provide a packed lunch for their child.  Apple Tree Nursery will not heat food for children over 3.  If you would like your child to have a hot meal, please provide this pre-heated in a vacuum flask.  Please keep crisps and snacks to a minimum and NO chocolate or sweets would be appreciated. If your child has any special dietary requirements due to any reason please notify staff so that we can take this into consideration when planning the snacks.

Lunch (0-3)

All babies and young people are treated individually. Parents/Carers are asked to provide whatever they feel that their child will need for meals throughout the day. Bottles should be labelled and placed in the fridge along with any other foodstuffs that need refrigerated. Please feel free to discuss your child’s mealtimes with your child’s key worker. When your child is ready to move into the “Toddler Room” a transition time will be discussed so that the move is as smooth as possible.

Transport of the children to and from Nursery is the responsibility of the parent/carer. 

Apple Tree Nursery operates a No Smoking Policy in the interest of children, staff and visitors.  Smoking is NOT permitted in the nursery building or grounds.

Fire drills are carried out on a regular basis.  Staff familiarise children with the evacuation procedures well in advance of the drills being performed.

In the unlikely event of the Nursery being affected by a problem, which would mean the closure of the Nursery, we will do all that we can to contact each parent/carer to inform him or her of what is happening. 

All information received by the Nursery about each child is treated with the strictest confidence.  No information about your child will be shared without your consent.

Staff may only administer medicines prescribed by a doctor and provided an administration of medicines request form is signed.  All other “over the counter” medication must be administered by the child’s parent/carer.

Staff will always administer medicines in the presence of a witness.  The date, time and dosage of medicines will be logged on the appropriate form and the form will be signed and witnessed.  Parent/Carers will be informed of these details and asked to sign the administration of medicines form on collection of their child.

If your child is unwell, it is advisable to keep him/her at home until he/she is better.  Please telephone the Nursery if your child is unable to attend on a particular day.  Children will NOT be permitted to return to nursery for 48 after sickness or diarrhoea. 

If your child becomes unwell during the day, we will contact you by phone as quickly as possible.  Should you be unreachable, we will use the emergency contact number found on your registration form.  Please inform the office immediately of any change in your child(rens) emergency contact details.

 Apple Tree Nursery staff are all fully qualified in Paediatric First Aid to deal with any minor accidents/incidents. All accidents/incidents will be recorded on an accident/ incident EYLOG and parents/carers will be asked to read and sign the form.

Please inform the Nursery of any bumps, bruises or accidents that your child may receive out with the Nursery.

In order to achieve these aims we recognise the rights of each individual to equal opportunities.  No child will be disadvantaged on the ground of race, gender, culture, disability, class, belief, and lifestyle or family circumstances.  We will take account of values and attitudes of staff in their expectations for the children’s learning and behaviour.

As a parent/carer you are the prime educator of your child.  We value your knowledge and experience and hope to work in partnership with you to achieve the very best for your child.  Please take every opportunity you can to share information with staff about your child.  If you have any concerns please speak to staff immediately.

Nursery staff have a good knowledge of children’s development and learning.  They continually observe children to ensure that the activities provided are suited to the needs of the child as well as being stimulating and challenging.  Staff compile tracking sheets for each child (observation notes) to note their achievement and to plan their next steps in learning.  Activities are planned in accordance with local and national guidelines, to allow staff to make specific observations to provide support or challenge in learning.  

You are invited to the nursery to share information and discuss your child’s progress with nursery staff in November and May.  You are welcome to make an appointment to meet staff at any time you wish.

During the ELC year staff enters information about each Child into their transition record.  This is a record of the child’s progress in the ELC year of nursery and primary one showing the child’s development and learning over the two years.  You will have an opportunity to look at the transition record in May when you will also receive a summative report of your child’s progress.  The completed transition record will be given to you at the end of primary one.

  • Celebrate success – let us know when your child has achieved something at home, eg dressing, drawing a special picture, learning how to ride a bike
  • Share concerns – let us know if you have any worries and we will do the same
  • Share expectations – we want the very best for your child. 
  • Apple Tree Nursery has a policy to support all children irrespective of their abilities.  Each child is a unique individual and in careful planning of the curriculum, staff endeavours to meet individual needs, in a positive, friendly manner.

Should Additional Support Needs arise from difficulties in learning or barriers to learning, individual planning will aid the child to develop to his/her full potential.

If it is thought necessary for a meeting of the Early Learning in childcare Assessment Team to be called, it would involve the parents/carers of the child, the Health Visitor, Community Doctor, Educational Psychologist, relevant specialists and the child’s keyworker.  The most appropriate way forward would be discussed and agreed upon for the benefit of the child.

We are currently an app called Eylog.  This app is replacing your child’s learning journey folder (paper copy)  and for the baby and toddler room this will also replace your daily sign-in /out sheets.

eyLog is an application that runs on a tablet PC (or simply ‘tablets’) and on the web. Our staff can use the eyLog practitioner app on tablets to capture photos/videos/audio clips, complete an observation of a .These observations taken on the tablets are saved to eyLog’s central servers and become an integral part of the child’s learning journey which can be accessed from anywhere. The app aims to engages parents and help them to understand their child’s development on a more regular and real-time basis, through their child’s learning journey. We will keep parents informed and involved with comments, home observations, daily diaries, reports, accident/incident sheets and messages.

At the beginning of each term parents will be asked to complete a Personal Learning Plan for their children.  Within this we will ask you:-

  • What you think you child needs help with
  • What they are good at
  • What they are great at
  • Things you would like your child to learn next

We will also consult you at the progress meetings.

Apple Tree Nursery is committed to improving our services and will continue to work and consult with as many parents/carers as possible.

We recognise that parents/carers as partners have knowledge and information to share and will play a part in influencing and shaping the service we provide.

We have many ways we communicate information to parents/carers and keep parents/carers informed about things happening in the nursery such as:-

➢ Text messaging parents/carers
➢ Emailing parents/carers – please ensure you provide us with an up to date email address
➢ Letters from nursery
➢ Notice boards in reception
➢ Nursery handbook
➢ Leaflets and information in the foyer
➢ Daily feedback from staff
➢ Daily log in the Baby Room and 2 to 3 room
➢ Daily opportunities for parents/carers to speak to staff or a manager
➢ Progress meetings/Parents/Carers night
➢ Children’s profiles
➢ Personal Learning plans
➢ Flat screen TV – this is at the main entrance
➢ Home learning links
➢ Social Media – Facebook, Twitter etc.
➢ Our Seesaw app (please as your childs Keyworker to be enrolled, if not already)
➢ Our EYLOG app

We can make reasonable adjustments for any parent or carer who has a disability or who is unable to communicate with staff. This is to ensure that all parents/carers have equal access and the same opportunities to be involved in the nursery and be consulted about their child’s education.

Parents/Carers are children’s prime educators and they continue to play a major role as their child enters Nursery.  At Apple Tree Nursery we value and respect the role of parents/carers and work to create a genuine partnership with them.

We aim to involve and inform parents/carers by:

  • Encouraging parents/carers to take part in the life of the Nursery
  • Ensuring regular communication between nursery and home
  • Keeping parents/carers informed of their child’s progress.

Newsletters will inform all parents/carers of changes in the Nursery and keep them up to date with current legislation or guidelines.  They will advise parents/carers of forthcoming events and generally enable continuity between home and Nursery.

Informal meetings between staff and parents/carers daily will help foster good relationships.

Parent’s/Carer’s evenings will be arranged to explain guidelines adhered to for under 3’s and curriculum for 3 – 5 year-olds.  The first evening will give you the opportunity to find out what goes on during the session and find out more about the resources that are used in our planning.

Further evenings will be arranged where parents/carers can speak to their child’s keyworker and discuss the progress their child is making.  Written reports and assessment procedures will be available for parents at these meetings.

An appointment to discuss any queries or concerns you may have can be made at any time to speak to a member of staff.

Please check the Parent’s/Carer’s Notice Board for current information on our topic.  We encourage suggestions; involvement in our theme based planning and invite parents/carers to share particular skills and interests with the Nursery.

Apple Tree Nursery adheres to a policy of promoting Positive Behaviour by praise and encouragement.  We expect staff to be kind, consistent and fair when dealing with the children and each other.  We develop your child’s confidence and self-esteem by listening and explaining what is appropriate.  We help him/her learn how to deal with his/her feelings.

Fundraising is an ongoing activity of Apple Tree Nursery.  Parents/Carers are invited to become involved.  Interested parents/carers are invited to offer their services in any way, however small, to help support this important aspect of the nursery.  All funds raised go towards making Apple Tree Nursery an affordable, quality childcare service.

We have recently signed up for Amazon smile and we would appreciate if you could sign up for us!  Below is what Amazon Smile is and how to sign up. 

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to your chosen charity.

Here’s how to shop AmazonSmile:

  • Visit
  • Sign inwith your
  • Choose a charitable organization to receive donations, or search forthe charity of your choice.
  • Select your charity.

If your child has a birthday or any other celebration, please feel free to provide a cake or any other relevant foodstuffs suitable for the children.

Apple Tree Nursery involves the children in the Wider Community through outings and visits to places of interest.  This may include visits to the fire station, the library, the castle, each intended to give children an appreciation of the people and places in their Community.

Visitors to the Nursery from the Wider Community are encouraged such as students on work placements, local police, paramedics or fire fighters and specialists from external agencies.