Improvement Plan 2024/2025


  1. Overview of Establishment 3 Year Cycle of Improvement Plan Priorities
  2. Strategic Improvement Planning for Establishment
  3. Operational Improvement Planning (Action Plan) for Establishment
  4. Establishment Maintenance Improvement Planning

Overview of Establishment 3 Year Cycle of Improvement Plan Priorities

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

➢ Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the centre of education
➢ Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing
➢ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people
➢ Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people
➢ Improvement in achievement, particularly in literacy and numeracy

National Standard

➢ Staffing, leadership and management
➢ Development of children’s cognitive skills, health and wellbeing
➢ Physical environment
➢ Self-evaluation and improvement
➢ Parent and career engagement
➢ Inclusion
➢ Business sustainability
➢ Fair work
➢ Payment process
➢ Food

National Improvement Framework Key Drivers

➢ School and ELC leadership
➢ Teacher and practitioner professionalism
➢ Parent/career engagement and family learning
➢ Curriculum and assessment
➢ School and ELC improvement
➢ Performance information

HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators

1.1  Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2  Leadership for learning

1.3  Leadership of change

1.4  Leadership and management of staff

1.5  Management of resources to promote equity

2.1  Safeguarding and child protection

2.2  Curriculum

2.3  Learning teaching and assessment

2.4  Personalised support

2.5  Family learning

2.6  Transitions

2.7  Partnership

3.1  Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2  Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3  Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Argyll and Bute Education Key Objectives

➢ Raise educational attainment and achievement for all
➢ Use performance information to secure improvement for children and young people
➢ Ensure children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed
➢ Equip young people to secure and sustain positive destinations and achieve success in life
➢ Ensure high quality partnership working and community engagement
➢ Strengthen leadership at all levels

Strategic Priorities 3 Year Cycle


➢ Priority 1 – To secure a progressive Froebelian ethos within our setting, reflective of interactions, experiences and spaces
➢ Priority 2 – Develop nurturing approaches throughout our setting to achieve a Gold rights respecting school award


➢ Priority 1 – Minimise the impact of potential barriers to learning for children who have additional needs and the more able children
➢ Priority 2 – Developing a database to improve the collection of information. Using self-evaluation tools to monitor and identify progression. Overall enhancing attainment, particularly in numeracy and literacy


➢ Priority 1 – All families have improved outcomes as a result of effective self-evaluation and data for continuous improvement
➢ Priority 2 – Empowering Educators to be leaders throughout their role. Inspiring, prompting, facilitating and supporting reflective practice as a team

Strategic Improvement Planning for Establishment: Overview of Links to Key Policies

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

➢ Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the centre of education
➢ Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing
➢ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people
➢ Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people
➢ Improvement in achievement, particularly in literacy and numeracy

Collaboration and Consultation

Who? When? How?
Staff and Children
Face to face daily, Room moderation meetings, rights meetings, monthly staff team meetings, questionnaires, emails, Children’s committee meetings
Each Term
Surveys, phone calls, website, EY log, email, newsletter, parent’s night, posters, QR codes, mind maps, face time, surveys, questionnaires
Wider community
Social Media, email, face to face, visits to the community, posters, questionnaires, polls, QR codes

National Improvement Framework Key Drivers

➢ School and ELC leadership
➢ Teacher and practitioner professionalism
➢ Parent/career engagement and family learning
➢ Curriculum and assessment
➢ School and ELC improvement
➢ Performance information

HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators

1.1  Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2  Leadership for learning

1.3  Leadership of change

1.4  Leadership and management of staff

1.5  Management of resources to promote equity

2.1  Safeguarding and child protection

2.2  Curriculum

2.3  Learning teaching and assessment

2.4  Personalised support

2.5  Family learning

2.6  Transitions

2.7  Partnership

3.1  Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2  Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3  Increasing creativity and employability/Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Argyll and Bute Education Key Objectives

➢ Raise educational attainment and achievement for all
➢ Use performance information to secure improvement for children and young people
➢ Ensure children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed
➢ Equip young people to secure and sustain positive destinations and achieve success in life
➢ Ensure high quality partnership working and community engagement
➢ Strengthen leadership at all levels

Priorities (identified as a consequence of robust evidence secured within a culture of collaborative self-evaluation.) Proposed Outcome and Impact Measures
To secure a progressive Froebelian ethos within our setting, reflective of interactions, experiences and spaces
By June 2025 all educators and children will demonstrate increased confidence in reflecting on principles which guide pedagogy- what, why and how. This will continuously be reflected on within our engagement with children and children’s engagements with each other and their families.
Data from observations and PDRs carried by the Froebelian educator will demonstrate educators increasing their knowledge in Early Level Curriculum- observing and responding to children’s play and having knowledge of how that child learns will support child development.
Developing nurturing approaches throughout our setting to achieve a Gold rights respecting school award
By January 2025 all educators, Children and wider community will demonstrate a robust knowledge and the impact of UNCRC on them.
Following our Rights Respecting school inspection we will be awarded gold Rights Respecting School status.

Note: This section of the Improvement Plan can be made available to all relevant stakeholders to provide an overview of the Session’s priorities.

Operational Improvement Planning (Action Plan) for Establishment:

Strategic Priority 1: To secure a progressive Frobelian ethos within our setting, reflective of interactions, experiences and spaces.

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

➢ Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the centre of education
➢ Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing
➢ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people
➢ Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people
➢ Improvement in achievement, particularly in literacy and numeracy

National Standard

➢ Staffing, leadership and management
➢ Development of children’s cognitive skills, health and wellbeing
➢ Physical environment
➢ Self-evaluation and improvement
➢ Parent and career engagement
➢ Inclusion
➢ Business sustainability
➢ Fair work
➢ Payment process
➢ Food

National Improvement Framework Key Drivers

➢ School and ELC leadership
➢ Teacher and practitioner professionalism
➢ Parent/career engagement and family learning
➢ Curriculum and assessment
➢ School and ELC improvement
➢ Performance information

HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators

1.1  Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2  Leadership for learning

1.3  Leadership of change

1.4  Leadership and management of staff

1.5  Management of resources to promote equity

2.1  Safeguarding and child protection

2.2  Curriculum

2.3  Learning teaching and assessment

2.4  Personalised support

2.5  Family learning

2.6  Transitions

2.7  Partnership

3.1  Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2  Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3  Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Argyll and Bute Education Key Objectives

➢ Raise educational attainment and achievement for all
➢ Use performance information to secure improvement for children and young people
➢ Ensure children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed
➢ Equip young people to secure and sustain positive destinations and achieve success in life
➢ Ensure high quality partnership working and community engagement
➢ Strengthen leadership at all levels

Key Actions (How) Lead Person Timescale Success Criteria to facilitate evaluation of learners’ progress (return to Outcomes/ Impact/ Measures)
➢ Training of the theory of Froebel will be delivered to educators to enable the delivery of complex, high quality spaces in each room
Lesley-Anne Roberts/ All staff
End of Term 1
Data through PDRs will demonstrate staff are motivated to embed Frobel throughout our setting.
➢ Educators will be given support to reflect through observation to become the key drivers of the cycle of learning, teaching and assessment
Lesley-Anne Roberts/All Staff
End of Term 2
Skilled observations will reflect a rich knowledge and understanding of the impact of interactions, experiences and spaces
➢ Children will gain responsibilities to take ownership of their own areas to increase confidence in reflecting on principles
Lesley-Anne Roberts/All Staff
End of Term 3
Analysis of Leuven scale data will show that the children observed will be on the scale of 3 and above.

Operational Improvement Planning (Action Plan) for Establishment:

Strategic Priority 2: Developing nurturing approaches throughout our setting to achieve a Gold rights respecting school award

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

➢ Placing the human rights and needs of every child and young person at the centre of education
➢ Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing
➢ Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people
➢ Improvement in skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people
➢ Improvement in achievement, particularly in literacy and numeracy

National Standard

➢ Staffing, leadership and management
➢ Development of children’s cognitive skills, health and wellbeing
➢ Physical environment
➢ Self-evaluation and improvement
➢ Parent and career engagement
➢ Inclusion
➢ Business sustainability
➢ Fair work
➢ Payment process
➢ Food

National Improvement Framework Key Drivers

➢ School and ELC leadership
➢ Teacher and practitioner professionalism
➢ Parent/career engagement and family learning
➢ Curriculum and assessment
➢ School and ELC improvement
➢ Performance information

HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators​

1.1  Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2  Leadership for learning

1.3  Leadership of change

1.4  Leadership and management of staff

1.5  Management of resources to promote equity

2.1  Safeguarding and child protection

2.2  Curriculum

2.3  Learning teaching and assessment

2.4  Personalised support

2.5  Family learning

2.6  Transitions

2.7  Partnership

3.1  Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2  Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3  Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Argyll and Bute Education Key Objectives

➢ Raise educational attainment and achievement for all
➢ Use performance information to secure improvement for children and young people
➢ Ensure children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed
➢ Equip young people to secure and sustain positive destinations and achieve success in life
➢ Ensure high quality partnership working and community engagement
➢ Strengthen leadership at all levels

Key Actions (How) Lead Person Timescale Success Criteria to facilitate evaluation of learners’ progress (return to Outcomes/ Impact/ Measures)
Sustain, develop and build on the standards attained for the Silver level of RRSA (Achieved by the nursery in session) In order to plan the journey to RRSA Gold Award.
Term 1
Skilled observation will show an increase of our staff empowering our children with their own decision making
The nursery’s ethos and culture are rooted in the principles of the UNCRC. Rights-respecting language and attitudes are evidently embedded and used by Educators and children.
Stephanie / All Staff
Term 1
A case study will highlight specific examples of how rights-respecting practices have positively influenced individual children.
The nursery will engage with parents, local organisations and the wider community to promote children’s rights and the rights of others as a global issue
Stephanie / All Staff
Term 2
Data gathered from questionnaires and surveys from parents and wider community will show the positive influence that rights respecting schools has had on their child.