Our Care Inspectorate Report

About the service

The service was registered with the Care Inspectorate on 15 July 2021.

Apple Tree Nursery is located in Rothesay on the Isle of Bute and is situated close to local transport, nurseries, schools and shops. The provider of the service is Apple Tree Nursery Limited. The service is registered to provide a care service as follows: To provide a care service to a maximum of:

40 children not yet attending primary school at any one time.
– of those no more than 6 are aged under 2 years;
– no more than 10 are aged 2 years to under 3 years and;
– no more than 24 are aged 3 years to those not yet attending primary school full time.

2. Adult:child ratios will be a minimum of:
– Under 2 years – 1:3
– 2 years to under 3 years – 1:5
– 3 years and over – 1:8 if the children attend more than 4 hours per day, or
– 1:10 if the children attend for less than 4 hours per day
– If all children are over 8 years old and over 1:10

3. Provider must comply with the improvement action plan agreed with the Care Inspectorate at date of registration and it must be made available to parents upon request.

About the inspection

This was an unannounced inspection which took place on Monday 7 August 2023 and Tuesday 8 August
2023. The inspection was carried out by two early learning and childcare inspectors from the Care

To prepare for the inspection we reviewed information about this service. This included registration
information, information submitted by the service and intelligence gathered since the service registered.

In making our evaluations of the service we:
– spoke with and observed children using the service
– contacted families and staff through Microsoft forms to gather their views
– spoke with staff and management
– observed practice and daily life
– reviewed documents. 

Key messages

• Children were at the heart of the decisions made about play and learning. 

• Outdoor play and learning for all children was a key strength for the service. 

• Children were noticeably confident and independent, and this was a strength in supporting children’s life skills and positive outcomes. 

• Children relished playing outdoors for extended periods throughout the day. 

• Staff had a particularly good understanding of child development and relevant theory. 

• As a team they worked very well together and were passionate about delivering high quality experiences and outcomes for children and families. 

• High quality learning through play was at the heart of their improvement plan and this was underpinned with staff all having leadership roles and responsibilities. 

• The staff team were caring, nurturing, and worked well together.

From this inspection we evaluated this service as:

In evaluating quality, we use a six point scale where 1 is unsatisfactory and 6 is excellent.

Evaluation Quality
How good is our care, play and learning?
5 - Very Good
How good is our setting?
5 - Very Good
How good is our leadership?
5 - Very Good
How good is our staff team?
5 - Very Good

How good is our care, play and learning? (5 - Very Good)

We found significant strengths in aspects of the care provided and how these supported positive outcomes for children, therefore we evaluated this key question as very good.

Quality Indicator 1.1: Nurturing care & support
All children experienced warm, caring, nurturing approaches from staff which was supporting children to feel safe and secure. We observed strong positive bonds between children and staff through children engaging staff in their play and approaching staff for comfort or help when required. Parents told us:

‘Appletree is a fabulous nursery, every member of staff makes me, and my child feel welcome and included. The daily learning experience my child receives is excellent – my child’s development has improved greatly from being at Appletree.’

‘The personal approach they have to our child’s care makes us feel like they are at a home from home whilst there. I appreciate their efforts to design activities in the community aligned to my child’s interests and the way that they champion every child for their own successes whilst including their whole families.’

‘Appletree are invaluable to our family. They care for each child individually and provide holistic care. It is very reassuring that you can leave your precious child in safe, loving hands and relax. They provide stimulating and interesting activities and listen to each child.’

Personal plans were in place for all children and information recorded reflected children’s health, welfare and safety needs. This was supported through staff also recording evidence linked to the ‘Getting it right for every child’ (GIRFEC) wellbeing indicators. Information gathered was reviewed and updated regularly and shared with parents. This was supporting staff to have the most up to date information enabling staff to support children’s continuity of care and support any changes in a child’s life. Parents told us:

‘I love the service and my child always loves going into Appletree in the morning they know him/her so well and have a great relationship with them.’

‘Apple Tree is a fantastic nursery! With amazing staff.’

‘Staff respond to the children’s interest using them to plan activities and outings. Making the most of local amenities and using their community links. My child enjoys showing off what she/he already knows to the staff and then learning new skills and knowledge with them. They have done some fantastic fun learning experiences involving the Bute Junior agricultural club. I feel the level of care my child receives is excellent hence why she/he has attended, as a baby, toddler and now staying on for her/his early learning and childcare (ELC).’

Personal care for all children was supported well through sensitive interactions from staff who were approaching children at their level, asking them in a kind and considerate manner if they would like to be changed. This was supporting children’s emotional needs as well as their privacy and dignity.

Mealtimes supported all children to be independent and staff were available to give help and reassurance when needed. Staff within the baby room supported children’s individual routines through ensuring their personal requirements and needs were met. The older children were noticeably confident and independent, and this was a strength in supporting children’s life skills and positive outcomes. Staff and management should continue to monitor the lunchtime experience for the older children in relation to the noise level and consider ways to elevate this. We discussed with management and staff the new ‘Early years choking hazards guidance’ recently published by the food standards agency. We have asked staff to monitor food children are given to ensure it follows the new guidelines.

Children were supported to keep hydrated during their time at nursery through having individual cups or water bottles. These were available to the children when inside or outside playing. 

Sleep routines were being followed for all children who required it, which was respecting individual needs and promoted good habits. Children slept in sleeping pods or small beds and were monitored and supported sensitively from staff. A parent told us: 

‘I love that anytime I pick up or drop off there are children all cosied up and snoozing away in their little pods and the other children are happily still playing.’ 

Policies and procedures were in place to support staff to safely administer any required medication. The service was in the process of reviewing and updating medication templates in line with best practice guidance ‘Management of medication in daycare and childminding settings.’  Staff worked collaboratively with professionals, children, and their families to ensure children requiring additional support had their individual needs met. Information was used consistently and effectively to support positive outcomes for children. 

Quality Indicator 1.3: Play & Learning

Children were happy confident, engaged and having fun through staff delivering and actively involving children in leading their play and learning through a balance of spontaneous and planned high quality experiences. Children were at the heart of the decisions made about play and learning through staff giving children creative approaches and experiences that enriched their imagination, developed their curiosity and creativity while engaging children’s imagination. Parents told us:

‘We love the child led learning and the opportunities they have provided to encourage personal interests of our child. The staff are professional and very caring, we feel they know our child incredibly well as an individual. They value and prioritise outdoor learning and learning in the community with beautiful connections and regular engagement. They celebrate our island and our people. Communication has always been clear and informative. The staff all work together well and support each other. They share staff achievements and training they have taken part in.’

‘Inclusive, mix of outdoor learning and inside learning. Passionate about developing child’s interests in learning.’

‘Facilities available, friendly staff and variety of activities, with focus on being outdoors.’

Outdoor play and learning for all children was a key strength for the service. Staff had created environments that were child centred and based on children’s interests and life experiences. Planning was responsive to children’s interest through staff responding and planning in a meaningful and engaging way. Children’s experiences, opportunities for play and learning were further enhanced through links with home and wider communities. We observed confident children shaping and designing their own play and learning using their imaginations and experimenting. Language, literacy, and numeracy was embedded through experiences and staff were appropriately challenging and questioning children to extend their thinking and learning further. This was enhancing children’s skills supporting them to make progress in their learning and development. 

Staff had a particularly good understanding of child development and relevant theory. Staff were using this knowledge and understanding to carry out meaningful observations, effective assessments and clear progression pathways that reflected children’s progress and achievements. Staff documented these observations, children’s next steps and achievements on each child’s individual online learning log which was shared with parents. We discussed ways the service could involve children further in having ownership and enjoyment enabling children to reflect on their achievements and learning while capturing the child’s voice through introducing individual learning booklets. Parents told us:

‘I like how friendly and welcoming everyone is when we come in in the morning. My child has made great bond with their new key worker now he/she has moved into the toddler room. Apple Tree offer great learning experiences for all the children, and always thinking of new ideas. I like the online log and the communication I have between myself and the staff about what is happening at Apple Tree and knowing what my child is doing throughout the day when pictures are added.’

‘I honestly could not think of a better place for my child, just seeing his/her face light up in morning getting his/her apple tree uniform on is enough for me to know she/he feels safe happy. When we go into nursery, and she /he sees their key worker that next level love is there. Her/his key worker always makes sure to smile and greet her/him and their sibling at drop offs. They talk about when he/she was there and how he/she is now, my child loves waterplay and dancing and when I told their key worker this, she did observation and learning journey on these. Seeing the photos made my day and I liked that she had listened to what I had said my child was into and she developed play and learning on that.’

How good is our setting? (5 - Very Good)

We found significant strengths in aspects of the care provided and how these supported positive outcomes for children, therefore we evaluated this key question as very good. 

Quality Indicator 2.2: Children experience high quality facilities

Children and families benefited from a welcoming environment that was furnished to a high standard with plenty of natural light and ventilation. Parents told us:

‘There is a welcoming feeling as soon as you walk on to the premises. Knowing staff genuinely care about my child, their wellbeing and development. The fact staff strive to continually improve the setting, their own personal development and provide special days and activities families can attend in the evenings and weekends. Which means they give up some of their own free time to do so, I genuinely appreciate that they take the time to do this. We have enjoyed there Halloween and Christmas parties, being invited for a Christmas Dinner.’

‘Person centred care, a family feel service.’

‘Welcoming and always something new being done. They change up the setting’s frequently so there is always something new to do. Everyone is friendly and inviting.’

The service has upgraded the secure entry system into the grounds of the nursery through installing electronic security gates and has an appropriate door entry system to ensure children are kept safe. 

Throughout the service children had access to resources that were open ended, real life and there was a rich amount of loose parts play this was supporting children to develop their imagination, curiosity, and creativity. 

The indoor and outdoor environments have been designed and tailored to all children’s ages and stages of development and learning. Outdoors in particular provided a rich learning environment that inspired children to learn. Children relished playing outdoors for extended periods throughout the day. Babies and two- to three-year-old children benefited from free flow access to outdoors enabling them to choose without restrictions on where they wanted to play, learn, and engage with their friends. Parents told us: 

‘Appletree provide my child a safe, caring, and educational setting to develop. They do amazing things with the children to encourage and highlight their passions and interests. They spend so much time outdoors and play a huge role in the community. The staff are all so kind and caring to the children and parents.’ ‘Wonderful range of learning and subjects. Outdoor area is fabulous.

‘A place designed to encourage play and imagination both indoors and outdoors with new and exciting activities arranged every single day.’ 

Preschool children were supported to choose in consultation with staff when accessing indoors and outdoors. This could be developed further through children actively identifying where they would like to play for example implementing an indoor-outdoor register that recognises and acknowledges children’s choice. We also discussed with the manager developing the indoor environment for the preschool children. We asked that they consider removing some of the larger furniture and developing the space to offer further learning experiences that would scaffold play and learning enhancing children’s creativity, curiosity, and imagination. 

Risk assessments had been developed for all areas accessed by children to identify and control hazards. These were reviewed and updated regularly to support a safe environment for children. 

Staff were vigilant in relation to accounting for children present through regularly counting and having effective communication. Staff used radios when children were moving from areas, when they required support or to update on children presence inside and outside the building. This was an effective way to ensure all children were accounted for and activities were not compromised. This was supporting children to enjoy play and learning experiences in a safe way. 

We were satisfied with the infection prevention and control measures that were in place. We have asked the manager to carry out checks on the outside hand washing station to ensure it is working appropriately for children to wash their hands. Management and staff should continue to monitor areas accessed by children, to ensure resources outdoors are appropriately cleaned for example resources in the mud kitchen. 

How good is our leadership? (5 - Very Good)

We found significant strengths in aspects of the care provided and how these supported positive outcomes
for children, therefore we evaluated this key question as very good.

Quality Indicator 3.1: Quality assurance and improvement are well led

Management and staff were open honest and engaged well during inspection. As a team they worked very well together and were passionate about delivering high quality experiences and outcomes for children and families. Parents told us: 

‘It is like one big family and my child thrives with the love and attention. Lots of outdoor activities and learning. Good nutritional food, great communication, family involvement, experienced qualified staff, excellent facilities and equipment and community involvement.’ 

‘Appletree nursery go above and beyond for our children to ensure they are growing and developing and being nurtured and respected and given equal opportunities. My children have both been with this nursery since age one and are both happy and love going.’ 

‘We are delighted with the outstanding care, play and learning that our child receives.’

The service had developed an improvement plan reflecting the services priorities. High quality learning through play was at the heart of their improvement plan and this was underpinned with staff all having leadership roles and responsibilities. For example, farming curriculum officer, speech and language coordinator, intergenerational partnership coordinator and word aware support coordinator. Staff were knowledgeable, focused and dedicated about their roles and spoke passionately about their responsibilities and the outcomes and benefits to children, families, and the community. During inspection we accompanied the children and staff to Thomson Court as part of their intergenerational work within the community, this was an opportunity for both children and adults to learn together, build relationships and have fun. Parents told us:

‘A great variety of play experiences. In the moment planning to meet child’s interests and to progress individual learning and development needs. Home from home nurturing environment. Lots of Community visits and partnerships.’

‘I could not be more thankful for everyone at Appletree, my child has been given the best start in his/her learning with so many various opportunities and it has set him/her up the best he/she can be for starting primary one.’

Feedback from parents, children and external agencies was supporting the service to reflect on what is working well and what needs improved. Management used this information to develop the service to ensure they continue to deliver a quality service for children, families, and the community.

Management and staff demonstrated a strong capacity for improvement through reflective practice and improvement. Systematic procedures were in place for example an improvement calendar that included monthly audits of accidents and incidents, staff practice, child protection, the environment and policy reviews. Regular staff meetings and moderation meetings were supporting the service to identify areas of improvement to bring about positive change and best outcomes for children and families.

Management should continue with the processes and procedures to reflect, review, and identify areas of improvements within the service. We suggested to the manager to consider a more streamlined approach in gathering, recording, and reporting on quality assurance processes to ensure the service continues to embed and deliver best outcomes. 

How good is our staff team? (5 - Very Good)

We found significant strengths in aspects of the care provided and how these supported positive outcomes for children, therefore we evaluated this key question as very good.

The service was appropriately staffed throughout the day to support children’s health, wellbeing, and safety. Staff positioned themselves well inside and outdoors to ensure children’s play and learning was uninterrupted, and children continued to experience quality outcomes and experiences. Throughout the team there was a particularly good skills mix, and this was complimented and supported through the deployment of staff.Parents told us:

‘The level of care and bond each staff hold with every child is so special.’

‘My child receives a high standard of care whilst at Appletree. I know she/he is safe and well cared for when she/he is present.’

The staff team were caring, nurturing, and worked well together. We found the staff team to be committed and confident in their roles and responsibilities and were passionate about delivering high quality care and outcomes to their children, families, and the community. Staff were knowledgeable in relation to children attending the service, their attendance patterns, and individual needs. There was a positive team ethos and staff communicated and supported each other well through sharing of information, being respectful and considerate to each other. Parents told us:

‘We just love Apple tree nursery, the staff are always approachable at any time, always full of great ideas and always doing something new with our child helping her/him learn and get ready for school.’

‘All the staff go above and beyond to make sure our children are well looked after as individuals. I like that my child has a key worker who knows my child and their needs very well by communicating well with us as parents.’

‘A nursery which exceeds all our expectations and makes us all feel part of a wonderful big nursery family. The team are very approachable and incredibly engaging. It is a joy to see our child thrive in their care.’ 

Arrangements were in place to support smooth transitions throughout the day. Staff lunches were well planned to minimise the impact on the children while enabling staff time to rest and be refreshed. Staff worked effectively together to ensure effective supervision and quality engagements with children throughout the day. The service has a positive ethos of attendance, and management supported staff absences well through regular supervision.

All staff were appropriately registered with the Scottish social service council (SSSC), and recruitment procedures had been followed in line with best practice guidance.


There have been no complaints upheld since the last inspection. Details of any older upheld complaints are published at www.careinspectorate.com.

Detail Evaluation

How good is our care, play and learning? 5 - Very Good
1.1 Nurturing care and support
5 - Very Good
1.3 Play and learning
5 - Very Good
How good is our setting? 5 - Very Good
2.2 Children experience high quality facilities
5 - Very Good
How good is our leadership? 5 - Very Good
3.1 Quality assurance and improvement are led well
5 - Very Good
How good is our staff team? 5 - Very Good
4.3 Staff deployment
5 - Very Good

This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate.